Page 30 - Organize Dergi Eylül 2023
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Ha er - News                                                                ,ĂďĞƌ DĞƌŬĞnjŝ Ͳ News  enter

        Sc nei er  lectric  Pres  li S r  r le ilirli     lleriyle  l   ar y l  Ta a la

        Schneider  lectric  ompletes First Half with Pres gious Sustainability Awards

        WƌŽŐƌĂŵŦŶ ŝůŬ LJĂƌŦƐŦŶĚĂ ĞůĚĞ                                                           xpressing  their  sa sfac-
        ĞƫŬůĞƌŝ   ƐƺƌĚƺƌƺůĞďŝůŝƌůŝŬ                                                            on  with  the  sustainability
        ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶƐŦ  ǀĞ  ƐŽŶƵĕůĂƌŦŶͲ                                                          performance  and  results
        ĚĂŶ  ĚƵLJĚƵŬůĂƌŦ  ŵĞŵŶƵŶŝͲ                                                             achieved  in  the   rst  half  of
        LJĞƟ  ŝĨĂĚĞ  ĞĚĞŶ  ^ĐŚŶĞŝĚĞƌ                                                           the program, Schneider  lec-
         ůĞĐƚƌŝĐ ^ƚƌĂƚĞũŝ ǀĞ ^ƺƌĚƺƌƺͲ                                                         tric  xecu ve  ice President
        ůĞďŝůŝƌůŝŬƚĞŶ  ^ŽƌƵŵůƵ  'ĞŶĞů                                                         of  Strategy  and  Sustaina-
        DƺĚƺƌ zĂƌĚŦŵĐŦƐŦ 'ǁĞŶĂĞůͲ                                                             bility  Gwenaelle  Avice-Huet
        ůĞ   ǀŝĐĞͲ,ƵĞƚ͕  ͞^ƺƌĚƺƌƺůĞͲ                                                          said, “We design and imple-
        ďŝůŝƌůŝŬ   ƚŬŝƐŝ  ŐŝƌŝƔŝŵůĞƌŝŵŝnjŝ                                                     ment  our  Sustainability  Im-
        ŬŦƐĂ  ǀĂĚĞůŝ  ŚŦnjůŦ  ŬĂnjĂŶŦŵůĂƌ                                                       pact ini a ves as long-term
        LJĞƌŝŶĞ͕  ƵnjƵŶ  ƐŽůƵŬůƵ  ĚƂŶƺͲ                                                         transforma on    journeys,
        Ɣƺŵ  LJŽůĐƵůƵŬůĂƌŦ  ŽůĂƌĂŬ  ƚĂͲ                                                        rather  than  short-term  rap-
        ƐĂƌůŦLJŽƌ ǀĞ ƵLJŐƵůƵLJŽƌƵnj͘  Ƶ                                                           id  gains.  In  this  direc on,
        ĚŽŒƌƵůƚƵĚĂ  ϱ  LJŦůůŦŬ  ƉƌŽŐƌĂͲ                                                        we have achieved important
        ŵŦŵŦnjĚĂ ƂŶĞŵůŝ ƐŽŶƵĕůĂƌ ĞůĚĞ ĞƫŬ ǀĞ ŝŬŝŶĐŝ LJĂƌŦ ĚƂŶĞŵĚĞ ĚĞ   results in our 5-year program and we believe that many ini -
        ďĂƔůĂƴŒŦŵŦnj ƉĞŬ ĕŽŬ ŐŝƌŝƔŝŵŝŶ ŝǀŵĞ ŬĂnjĂŶĂĐĂŒŦŶĂ ǀĞ ďƂLJůĞĐĞ   a ves we started in the second half will gain momentum and
        ďƵ ƐŽŶƵĕůĂƌŦ ĚĂŚĂ ĚĂ ŐƺĕůĞŶĚŝƌĞĐĞŒŝŵŝnjĞ ŝŶĂŶŦLJŽƌƵnj͘  ŝƌ ĞƚŬŝ   thus we will strengthen these results even more. As an impact
        ƔŝƌŬĞƟ ŽůĂƌĂŬ ŝŬůŝŵ ǀĞ ƚŽƉůƵŵ ŽĚĂŒŦŶĚĂ ĕĂůŦƔŵĂůĂƌŦŵŦnjŦ ĂƌĂůŦŬͲ  company, we will con nue to work uninterruptedly with a focus
        ƐŦnj ƐƺƌĚƺƌĞĐĞŬ͕ ďƵ ƐĞĨĞƌďĞƌůŝŒĞ ŚĞƌŬĞƐŝ ĚĂŚŝů ĞĚĞƌĞŬ ĚƺŶLJĂŵŦͲ  on climate and society, and we will con nue to invest in the
        njŦŶ ŐĞůĞĐĞŒŝŶĞ LJĂƨƌŦŵ LJĂƉŵĂLJĂ ĚĞǀĂŵ ĞĚĞĐĞŒŝnj͟ ĚĞĚŝ͘      future of our world by including everyone in this mobiliza on.”
        ^ƺƌĚƺƌƺůĞďŝůŝƌůŝŬ ĕĂůŦƔŵĂůĂƌŦLJůĂ ĚƺŶLJĂ ůŝĚĞƌůĞƌŝ ĂƌĂƐŦŶĚĂ  Among the world leaders with sustainability studies

        ^ĐŚŶĞŝĚĞƌ   ůĞĐƚƌŝĐ͕  LJŦůŦŶ  Ϯ͘  ĕĞLJƌĞŒŝŶĚĞ  ŬĂƌĂƌůŦůŦŬůĂ  ƵLJŐƵůĂĚŦŒŦ   Schneider  lectric is rapidly approaching its 2023 year-end tar-
        ƐƺƌĚƺƌƺůĞďŝůŝƌůŝŬ ĕĂůŦƔŵĂůĂƌŦ ŶĞƟĐĞƐŝŶĚĞ͕ ϮϬϮϯ LJŦů ƐŽŶƵ ŚĞĚĞĮ   get of 6 Sustainability Impact points out of 10, as a result of
        ŽůĂŶ ϭϬ ƺnjĞƌŝŶĚĞŶ ϲ ^ƺƌĚƺƌƺůĞďŝůŝƌůŝŬ  ƚŬŝƐŝ ƉƵĂŶĂ ŚŦnjůĂ LJĂŬůĂͲ  its sustainability e orts in the second quarter of the year  The
        ƔŦLJŽƌ͖ ƔŝƌŬĞƟŶ LJĂƌŦLJŦů ƉƵĂŶŦ ϱ͕Ϯϴ ŽůĂƌĂŬ ŐĞƌĕĞŬůĞƔƟ͘ bŝƌŬĞƚ͕ ďƵ   company’s  half-year  score  was  5.28.   uring  this  period,  the
        ĚƂŶĞŵĚĞ ďĂŒŦŵƐŦnj ŬƵƌƵŵůĂƌ ƚĂƌĂķŶĚĂŶ ƐƵŶƵůĂŶ ƂĚƺůůĞƌůĞ ĚĞ   company proved its strong impact on sustainability with the
        ƐƺƌĚƺƌƺůĞďŝůŝƌůŝŒĞ ŽůĂŶ Őƺĕůƺ ĞƚŬŝƐŝŶŝ ŬĂŶŦƚůĂĚŦ͘        awards presented by independent ins tu ons.

        ^ĐŚŶĞŝĚĞƌ  ůĞĐƚƌŝĐ LJŦůŦŶ Ϯ͘ ĕĞLJƌĞŒŝŶĚĞ͕ ĞŶĞƌũŝ ǀĞƌŝŵůŝůŝŒŝ ǀĞ ĚƂŶͲ  In the second quarter of the year, Schneider  lectric was award-
        ŐƺƐĞůůŝŬ ŽĚĂŬůŦ ĨƵĂƌ ƐƚĂŶĚŦ ƚĂƐĂƌŦŵŦLJůĂ ŝ& dĂƐĂƌŦŵ PĚƺůƺ͛ŶĞ ůĂͲ  ed the iF  esign Award for its energy e ciency and circulari-
        LJŦŬ ŐƂƌƺůĚƺ͕ ĂLJŶŦ njĂŵĂŶĚĂ ƐĞŬŝnj LJŦů ƺƐƚ ƺƐƚĞ LJĞƌ ĂůĚŦŒŦ 'ĂƌƚŶĞƌ   ty-focused exhibi on stand design, and was ranked 1st in the
        dĞĚĂƌŝŬ ŝŶĐŝƌŝ >ŝƐƚĞƐŝ͛ŶĚĞ ďƵ LJŦů͕ ͚7ůŬ Ϯϱ͛ƚĞ ϭ͘ ƐŦƌĂĚĂ ŐƂƐƚĞƌŝůĚŝ͘   “Top 25” this year in the Gartner Supply  hain  ist, where it has
        zƺŬƐĞŬ ďŝƌ ŬĂůŝƚĞ ǀĞ ƔĞīĂŇŦŬůĂ LJƺƌƺƩƺŒƺ  ^' ďŝůŐŝůĞŶĚŝƌŵĞ ǀĞ   been included for eight consecu ve years. Schneider  lectric,
        ƌĂƉŽƌůĂŵĂ  ĕĂůŦƔŵĂůĂƌŦ  ŬĂƉƐĂŵŦŶĚĂ  ϮϬϮϯ  bĞīĂŇŦŬ  PĚƺůůĞƌŝ͛ŶͲ  which was honored with a special award at the 2023 Transpar-
        ĚĞ ƂnjĞů ƂĚƺůůĞ ŽŶƵƌůĂŶĚŦƌŦůĂŶ ^ĐŚŶĞŝĚĞƌ  ůĞĐƚƌŝĐ͕ ĕĂůŦƔĂŶůĂƌŦŶĂ   ency Awards within the scope of  SG informa on and repor ng
        ǀĞƌĚŝŒŝ ĚĞŒĞƌ ǀĞ ĂĚŝů ƺĐƌĞƚ ƉŽůŝƟŬĂƐŦLJůĂ ĚĂ &Ăŝƌ tĂŐĞ EĞƚǁŽƌŬ   ac vi es carried out with high quality and transparency, was
        ƐĞƌƟĮŬĂƐŦŶŦ ĂůŵĂLJĂ ŚĂŬ ŬĂnjĂŶĚŦ͘                          also en tled to receive the Fair Wage Network cer  cate for
                                                                 the value it gives to its employees and its fair wage policy.
        zŦůŦŶ ŝŬŝŶĐŝ ĕĞLJƌĞŒŝŶĚĞ Őƺĕůƺ ŝƔ ďŝƌůŝŬůĞƌŝLJůĞ ĚĞ ƂŶĞŵ ĕŦŬĂŶ ^ĐŚͲ
        ŶĞŝĚĞƌ  ůĞĐƚƌŝĐ͕ hůƵƐůĂƌĂƌĂƐŦ  ŶĞƌũŝ  ũĂŶƐŦ͛ŶŦŶ ;/  Ϳ LJŦůůŦŬ ŬƺƌĞƐĞů   Standing out with its strong collabora ons in the second quar-
        ŬŽŶĨĞƌĂŶƐŦŶĚĂ͕ ϮϬϯϬ LJŦůŦŶĂ ŬĂĚĂƌ ĞŶĞƌũŝ ǀĞƌŝŵůŝůŝŒŝ ŝLJŝůĞƔƟƌŵĞ   ter of the year, Schneider  lectric has partnered with govern-
        ŽƌĂŶŦŶŦ ŝŬŝ ŬĂƨŶĂ ĕŦŬĂƌŵĂŬ ŝĕŝŶ ďĂƔůĂƨůĂŶ sĞƌƐĂŝůůĞƐ ϭϬdžϭϬ ĞLJͲ  ments and    s within the scope of the  ersailles 10x10 ac on
        ůĞŵ ƉůĂŶŦ ŬĂƉƐĂŵŦŶĚĂ ŚƺŬƺŵĞƚůĞƌ ǀĞ   K͛ůĂƌůĂ ŝƔ ŽƌƚĂŬůŦŒŦŶĂ   plan, which was launched at the Interna onal  nergy Agency’s
        ŝŵnjĂ Ăƴ͘                                                  I A  annual global conference to double the energy e ciency
                                                                 improvement rate by 2030. .
         LJŶŦ njĂŵĂŶĚĂ͕ ƔŝƌŬĞƚ ŚŝƐƐĞĚĂƌůĂƌŦŶŦŶ йϵϳ͕ϲϳ͛Ɛŝ ŝůŬ ͚^ĂLJ ŽŶ  ůŝͲ
        ŵĂƚĞ͛ ƂŶĞƌŐĞƐŝŶĚĞ ^ĐŚŶĞŝĚĞƌ  ůĞĐƚƌŝĐ͛ŝŶ ĚĞŬĂƌďŽŶŝnjĂƐLJŽŶ ƉůĂͲ  At the same  me, 97.67  of the company’s shareholders sup-
        ŶŦŶŦ ĚĞƐƚĞŬůĞĚŝ͘  ƂLJůĞĐĞ ƔŝƌŬĞƚ͕ ŐĞůĞĐЌРĚĂŝƌ Őƺĕůƺ ďŝƌ LJŽů ƉůĂŶŦ   ported Schneider  lectric’s decarboniza on plan in its  rst  Say
        ŝůĞ ƐƺƌĚƺƌƺůĞďŝůŝƌůŝŬ ĕĂůŦƔŵĂůĂƌŦŶĂ ŚŦnj ŬĂƚĂĐĂŬ͘         on  limate’ proposal. Thus, the company will accelerate its sus-
                                                                 tainability e orts with a strong road plan for the future.

       28                         LJůƺů Ͳ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ
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