Page 26 - Organize Dergi Eylül 2023
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Ha er - News                                                                ,ĂďĞƌ DĞƌŬĞnjŝ Ͳ News  enter

        Te  a san     Hanno er Fuar  n a C       ile g    ol uraca

        Tezmaksan will impress with  UB B   at     Hannover Fair

        dƺƌŬŝLJĞ ƚĂůĂƔůŦ ŝŵĂůĂƚ ƐĂŶĂLJŝƐŝŶŝŶ                                                 Tezmaksan,  the  leading  com-
        ůŝĚĞƌ  ĮƌŵĂƐŦ  dĞnjŵĂŬƐĂŶ͕  ĞLJůƺů                                                   pany  of  the  Turkish  machining
        ĂLJŦŶĚĂ  ŐĞƌĕĞŬůĞƔƟƌŝůĞĐĞŬ  ĚƺŶͲ                                                    industry,  will  a end       Han-
        LJĂŶŦŶ ĞŶ ďƺLJƺŬ ƚĂŬŦŵ ƚĞnjŐĂŚůĂͲ                                                     nover  2023,  the  world’s  largest
        ƌŦ  ĨƵĂƌŦ   DK  ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ  ϮϬϮϯ͛Ğ                                                   machine tools fair, to be held in
        ŬĂƨůĂĐĂŬ͘  &ƵĂƌĚĂ  ϮϬ  ƺůŬĞLJĞ  ŝŚͲ                                                 September.  Tezmaksan,  which
        ƌĂĐĂƨ  ŐĞƌĕĞŬůĞƔƟƌŝůĞŶ  ƌŽďŽƚůƵ                                                    will  introduce  the  newest  ver-
        ŽƚŽŵĂƐLJŽŶ ƐŝƐƚĞŵŝ  h   Ky͛ŦŶ                                                       sions of the robo c automa on
        ĞŶ LJĞŶŝ ǀĞƌƐŝLJŽŶůĂƌŦŶŦ ƚĂŶŦƚĂĐĂŬ                                                   system   UB B  ,  which  is  ex-
        ŽůĂŶ  dĞnjŵĂŬƐĂŶ͕  ĂLJŶŦ  njĂŵĂŶĚĂ                                                    ported to 20 countries at the fair,
        ĚƺŶLJĂĚĂ ƐĂĚĞĐĞ ϱ ƺůŬĞĚĞ ƺƌĞƟͲ                                                      will also bring together the pal-
        ůĞďŝůĞŶ ϱ ĞŬƐĞŶůŝ ŵĂŬŝŶĞůĞƌ ŝĕŝŶ                                                   let  system  for  5-axis  machines
        ƉĂůĞƚ ƐŝƐƚĞŵŝŶŝ ƐĞŬƚƂƌ ƉƌŽĨĞƐLJŽͲ                                                   that can be produced in only 5
        ŶĞůůĞƌŝ  ŝůĞ   DK  ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ  &ƵĂͲ                                                  countries  in  the  world  with  in-
        ƌŦ͛ŶĚĂ ďƵůƵƔƚƵƌĂĐĂŬ͘
                                                                                           dustry professionals at the
                                                                                           Hannover Fair.
        dƺƌŬŝLJĞ  ƚĂůĂƔůŦ  ŝŵĂůĂƚ  ƐĂŶĂLJŝŶĞ
        ƵnjƵŶ  LJŦůůĂƌĚŦƌ  ƐƵŶĚƵŒƵ  ƺƐƚƺŶ
        ŚŝnjŵĞƚůĞƌůĞ  ůŝĚĞƌůŝŬ  ĞĚĞŶ  dĞnjͲ                                                  The new fair stop of Tezmaksan,
        ŵĂŬƐĂŶ͛ŦŶ LJĞŶŝ ĨƵĂƌ ĚƵƌĂŒŦ͕ ϭϴͲ                                                    which has been leading the Turk-
        Ϯϯ  LJůƺů ϮϬϮϯ ƚĂƌŝŚůĞƌŝ ĂƌĂƐŦŶĚĂ                                                   ish  machining  industry  with  its
        ƐĂŶĂLJŝ  ǀĞ  ƺƌĞƟŵ  ƚĞŬŶŽůŽũŝůĞƌŝ                                                   outstanding  services  for  many
        ĂƌĂƐŦŶĚĂŬŝ ĞŶ ƂŶĞŵůŝ ďĂŒůĂŶƨůĂƌĚĂŶ ďŝƌŝ ŽůŵĂLJĂ ĚĞǀĂŵ ĞĚĞŶ   years, will be     Hannover 2023, which con nues to be one
         DK ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ ŽůĂĐĂŬ͘ ͞zĞŶŝůŝŬĕŝ mƌĞƟŵ͟ ďĂƔůŦŒŦ ĂůƨŶĚĂ   of the most important links between industry and produc on
        njŝLJĂƌĞƚĕŝůĞƌŝŶĞ ƚĞŬŶŽůŽũŝ͕ ƐƚƌĂƚĞũŝ ǀĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƐLJŽŶĚĂŬŝ ĞŶ ƐŽŶ   technologies,  between  18-23  September  2023.  Tezmaksan,
        ƚƌĞŶĚůĞƌŝ ƐƵŶƵůĂĐĂŒŦ ĨƵĂƌĚĂ ďƵŐƺŶĞ ĚĞŬ ϮϬ ƺůŬĞLJĞ ŝŚƌĂĐĂƨŶŦ   which will introduce the newest versions of the robo c auto-
        ŐĞƌĕĞŬůĞƔƟƌĚŝŒŝ  ƌŽďŽƚůƵ  ŽƚŽŵĂƐLJŽŶ  ƐŝƐƚĞŵŝ   h   Ky͛ŦŶ  ĞŶ   ma on system  UB B  , which it has exported to 20 coun-
        LJĞŶŝ ǀĞƌƐŝLJŽŶůĂƌŦŶŦ ƚĂŶŦƚĂĐĂŬ ŽůĂŶ dĞnjŵĂŬƐĂŶ͕ ďƵŶƵŶ LJĂŶŦ ƐŦƌĂ   tries, at the fair, where the latest trends in technology, strategy
        ĚƺŶLJĂĚĂ ƐĂĚĞĐĞ ϱ ƺůŬĞĚĞ ƺƌĞƟůĞďŝůĞŶ ϱ ĞŬƐĞŶůŝ ŵĂŬŝŶĞůĞƌ ŝĕŝŶ   and organiza on will be presented to its visitors under the  -
        ƉĂůĞƚ ƐŝƐƚĞŵŝŶŝ ŬĂƨůŦŵĐŦ ǀĞ njŝLJĂƌĞƚĕŝůĞƌŝŶ ďĞŒĞŶŝƐŝŶĞ ƐƵŶĂĐĂŬ͘  tle of “Innova ve Produc on”, as well as the pallet system for
                                                                 5-axis machines that can only be produced in 5 countries in the
        Te  a san  n t     rupa ya a  lan  ap s                  world. will be presented to exhibitors and visitors.
        Hanno er olaca
                                                                 dĞnjŵĂŬƐĂŶ͛Ɛ ŐĂƚĞǁĂLJ ƚŽ Ăůů ŽĨ  ƵƌŽƉĞ ǁŝůů ďĞ  DK ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ
        ĚĞŬŝ ĞŶ ƂŶĞŵůŝ ĞƚŬŝŶůŝŒŝ ŽůĂŶ  DK ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ͛ĚĞ LJĞƌ ĂůŵĂŶŦŶ   Touching on the importance of par cipa ng in     Hannover,
        ŬĞŶĚŝůĞƌŝ ĂĕŦƐŦŶĚĂŶ ƂŶĞŵŝŶĞ ĚĞŒŝŶĞŶ dĞnjŵĂŬƐĂŶ 'ĞŶĞů DƺĚƺͲ  the world’s leading produc on technology trade fair and the
        ƌƺ ,ĂŬĂŶ  LJĚŽŒĚƵ͕ ͞mƌĞƟŵĚĞ ŵŽĚĞƌŶŝnjĂƐLJŽŶ ƐƺƌĞĕůĞƌŝŶŝŶ ĂƌͲ  most important event in the industry, Tezmaksan General  an-
        ŬĂƐŦŶĚĂŬŝ ĂŬƟĨ ŐƺĕůĞƌĚĞŶ ďŝƌŝ ŽůŵĂLJŦ ŐƂƌĞǀ ĞĚŝŶĞŶ  DK ,ĂŶͲ  ager Hakan Aydo du said: It is of great importance for pre-
        ŶŽǀĞƌ͕  ƐĞŬƚƂƌƺŵƺnjƺŶ  ŚĞƌ  ĂůĂŶŦŶĚĂ  ŝŚƟLJĂĕ  ĚƵLJĚƵŒƵ  ŚŝnjŵĞƚ   sen ng and demonstra ng the main development trends. In
        ĂůĂŶůĂƌŦŶŦ  ƐƵŶŵĂŬ  ǀĞ ĂŶĂ  ŐĞůŝƔŝŵ  ƚƌĞŶĚůĞƌŝŶŝ  ŐƂƐƚĞƌŵĞŬ ŝĕŝŶ   addi on,  this  year’s   tle  of  the  fair  “Innova ve  Produc on”
        ďƺLJƺŬ ƂŶĞŵĞ ƐĂŚŝƉ͘  ƵŶƵŶ LJĂŶŦ ƐŦƌĂ ĨƵĂƌŦŶ ďƵ LJŦůŬŝ ͚zĞŶŝůŝŬĕŝ   highlights the priority needed by today’s industry. Today, you
        mƌĞƟŵ͛ ďĂƔůŦŒŦ ĚĂ ŐƺŶƺŵƺnj ƐĂŶĂLJŝƐŝŶŝŶ ŝŚƟLJĂĐŦ ŽůĂŶ ƂŶĐĞůŝŒŝ   can produce using the latest model machines, but unless you
        ƂŶ ƉůĂŶĂ ĕŦŬĂƌŦLJŽƌ͘  ƵŐƺŶ ƐŽŶ ŵŽĚĞů ŵĂŬŝŶĞůĞƌŝ ŬƵůůĂŶĂƌĂŬ ďŝƌ
        ƔĞŬŝůĚĞ ƺƌĞƟŵ LJĂƉĂďŝůŝƌƐŝŶŝnj ĨĂŬĂƚ ďƵŶƵ LJĞŶŝůŝŬĕŝ ŵĞƚŽƚůĂƌ ǀĞ   do  this  with  innova ve  methods  and  technologies  that  will
        ŐĞůĞĐĞŒŝ  ďƺƚƺŶƺLJůĞ  ĚĞŒŝƔƟƌĞĐĞŬ  ƚĞŬŶŽůŽũŝůĞƌůĞ  LJĂƉŵĂĚŦŒŦŶŦnj   completely change the future, you will be le  behind in the
        ƐƺƌĞĐĞ ƌĞŬĂďĞƩĞ ŐĞƌŝ ŬĂůŦƌƐŦŶŦnj͘  Ƶ ŶŽŬƚĂĚĂ  DK ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ͛ŝŶ   compe  on. At this point, the technologies that     Hannover
        ŬĂƨůŦŵĐŦůĂƌŦLJůĂ ďƵůƵƔƚƵƌĂĐĂŒŦ ƚĞŬŶŽůŽũŝůĞƌ ƂnjĞůůŝŬůĞ ƺůŬĞŵŝnj ƐĂͲ  will bring together with its par cipants will act as a trigger for
        ŶĂLJŝĐŝƐŝŶŝŶ ŬĞŶĚŝ ƉŽƚĂŶƐŝLJĞůŝŶŝ ĚĂŚĂ ŝůĞƌŝ ƚĂƔŦŵĂƐŦ ŬŽŶƵƐƵŶĚĂ   our country’s industrialists to carry their own poten al further.
        ƚĞƟŬůĞLJŝĐŝ Őƺĕ ŐƂƌĞǀŝŶŝ ƺƐƚůĞŶĞĐĞŬ͘  DK ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ ďŝnjŝŵ ŝĕŝŶ       Hannover will be our gateway to all  uropean countries.”
        ƚƺŵ  ǀƌƵƉĂ ƺůŬĞůĞƌŝŶĞ ĂĕŦůĂŶ ŬĂƉŦŵŦnj ŽůĂĐĂŬ͟ ĚĞĚŝ͘

       2                          LJůƺů Ͳ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ
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