Page 28 - Organize Dergi Eylül 2023
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Ha er - News                                                                ,ĂďĞƌ DĞƌŬĞnjŝ Ͳ News  enter

       Sanayi e yerlile  enin g c                                                         dŚĞ ƉŽǁĞƌ ŽĨ ůŽĐĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ
       Te  a san ile   rupa ya                                                            ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ  ŝƐ  ŵŽǀŝŶŐ  ƚŽ   ƵƌŽƉĞ
       ta  n yor                                                                          ǁŝƚŚ dĞnjŵĂŬƐĂŶ

       dĂůĂƔůŦ ŝŵĂůĂƚ ƐĞŬƚƂƌƺŶƺŶ ƺƌĞƟŵ                                                    Aydo du,  who  stated  that  they
       ŐƺĐƺŶĞ ƐƵŶĚƵŒƵ ŬĂƚŬŦLJůĂ ŽƉĞƌĂƐͲ                                                    reached important market areas
       LJŽŶĞů  ƐƺƌĞĕůĞƌĚĞ  njĂŵĂŶ  ǀĞ  ŵĂͲ                                                  in  the   uropean  con nent  last
       ůŝLJĞƚ ĂǀĂŶƚĂũŦ ƐƵŶĂŶ  h   Ky͛ŦŶ                                                    year with  UB B  , which o ers
       ŝůĞ  ŐĞĕƟŒŝŵŝnj  LJŦůĚĂŶ   ǀƌƵƉĂ  ŬŦͲ                                                 me and cost advantages in oper-
       ƚĂƐŦŶĚĂ  ƂŶĞŵůŝ  ƉĂnjĂƌ  ĂůĂŶůĂƌŦŶĂ                                                 a onal processes with the contri-
       ƵůĂƔƨŬůĂƌŦŶŦ  ďĞůŝƌƚĞŶ   LJĚŽŒĚƵ͕                                                   bu on it o ers to the produc on
       ƐƂnjůĞƌŝŶĞ  ƔƂLJůĞ  ĚĞǀĂŵ  Ğƫ͗  ͞dĂͲ                                                 power of the machining industry,
       ůĂƔůŦ  ŝŵĂůĂƚ  ƐĞŬƚƂƌƺŶĚĞ  ϰϬ  LJŦůŦ                                                con nued as follows: We con n-
       ĂƔŬŦŶ  ƐƺƌĞĚŝƌ  ĕĂůŦƔĂƌĂŬ  ƺƌĞƟLJŽƌ͕                                                ue to sign. It is a great honor for
        ƌͲ'Ğ LJĂƉĂƌĂŬ LJĞŶŝůŝŬůĞƌĞ ŝŵnjĂ ĂƚͲ
       ŵĂLJĂ ĚĞǀĂŵ ĞĚŝLJŽƌƵnj͘ můŬĞŵŝnjŝŶ                                                     us that  UB B  , which we have
       LJĞƌůŝůĞƔŵĞ  ǀĞ  ƺƌĞƚĞƌĞŬ  ďƺLJƺŵĞ                                                   developed in line with our coun-
       ŚĂŵůĞƐŝŶĞ  ƵLJŐƵŶ  ŐĞůŝƔƟƌĚŝŒŝŵŝnj                                                   try’s  localiza on  and  growth  by
        h   Ky͛ŦŶ  ĚƺŶLJĂĚĂ  ŝůŐŝ  ŐƂƌͲ                                                    producing,  a racts  a en on  in
       ŵĞƐŝ  ďŝnjŝŵ  ŝĕŝŶ  ďƺLJƺŬ  ŽŶƵƌĚƵƌ͘                                                 the  world.   inimizing  the  need
       DĂŬŝŶĞ  ďĞƐůĞŵĞƐŝŶĚĞ  ŽƉĞƌĂƚƂƌ                                                     for operators in machine feeding
       ŝŚƟLJĂĐŦŶŦ ŵŝŶŝŵƵŵ ĚƺnjĞLJĞ ŝŶĚŝƌͲ                                                    and  o ering  a  system  that  can
       ŵĞƐŝ ǀĞ ĚƵƌƵƔ ŽůŵĂĚĂŶ ĕĂůŦƔĂďŝůŝƌ                                                  work without down me enables
       ďŝƌ ƐŝƐƚĞŵ ƐƵŶŵĂƐŦ  h   Ky͛ŦŶ ƂnjĞůůŝŬůĞ ŐĞĐĞ ǀĂƌĚŝLJĂůĂƌŦŶĚĂ                         UB B   to o er 50 percent e -
       LJƺnjĚĞ ϱϬ ǀĞƌŝŵ ƐƵŶŵĂƐŦŶŦ ƐĂŒůŦLJŽƌ͘  ƵŶƵŶ LJĂŶŦ ƐŦƌĂ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌƚ   ciency, especially in night shi s. In addi on, thanks to its stand-
       LJĂƉŦƐŦ ƐĂLJĞƐŝŶĚĞ ƚƺŵ  E  ƚĞnjŐĂŚůĂƌĂ ƵLJƵŵ ŐƂƐƚĞƌŵĞƐŝ ǀĞ ĮƌͲ  ard structure, it is compa ble with all  N  machines and is 20
       ŵĂLJĂ ƂnjĞů ƌŽďŽƚ ƐŝƐƚĞŵůĞƌŝŶĚĞŶ LJƺnjĚĞ ϮϬ ĚĂŚĂ ƵĐƵnj ŽůŵĂƐŦ   percent cheaper than company-speci c robot systems, which
       ĚĂ  ƐŝƐƚĞŵŝŵŝnjŝŶ  ĚƺŶLJĂ  ĕĂƉŦŶĚĂ  ŬƵůůĂŶŦůŵĂƐŦŶĂ  ŬĂƚŬŦ  ǀĞƌŝLJŽƌ͘   also contributes to the worldwide use of our system. Thanks to
        Ƶ LJŦů ŝĕŝŶĚĞ ^ŝǀĂƐ͛ƚĂ ĂĕĂĐĂŒŦŵŦnj LJĞŶŝ ĨĂďƌŝŬĂŵŦnj ƐĂLJĞƐŝŶĚĞ ĚĞ   our new factory that we will open in Sivas this year, we have an
       ƂŶƺŵƺnjĚĞŬŝ ƺĕ LJŦů ƐŽŶƵŶĚĂ ϭϬ ŵŝůLJŽŶ ĚŽůĂƌ ŝŚƌĂĐĂƚ ŚĞĚĞĮŵŝnj   export target of 10 million dollars at the end of the next three
       ďƵůƵŶƵLJŽƌ͘ zĞƌ ĂůĚŦŒŦŵŦnj ĨƵĂƌůĂƌĚĂŬŝ ŝƔ ďŝƌůŝŬůĞƌŝŵŝnj ƐĂLJĞƐŝŶĚĞ   years. Thanks to our coopera on in the fairs we take part in, we
       ďƵŶƵ  ďĂƔĂƌŦƉ  ƺůŬĞŵŝnjŝŶ  ƐĂŶĂLJŝLJĞ  ĚĞŒĞƌ  ŬĂƚĂŶ  ŐƺĐƺŶƺ  ƚƺŵ   will achieve this and prove our country’s power that adds value
       ĚƺŶLJĂLJĂ  ŬĂŶŦƚůĂLJĂĐĂŒŦnj͘  ^ŝƐƚĞŵŝŵŝnjŝ  ďƵůƵƔƚƵƌĚƵŒƵŵƵnj  ŚĞƌ   to the industry to the whole world.  very new country where
       LJĞŶŝ ƺůŬĞ͕ ďĂƔƚĂ dƺƌŬŝLJĞ ƐĂŶĂLJŝƐŝ ŽůŵĂŬ ƺnjĞƌĞ ƺůŬĞŵŝnjŝŶ ƺƌĞƟŵ   we bring our system together is the success of Tezmaksan, con-
       ŐƺĐƺŶĞ ŬĂƚŬŦ dĞnjŵĂŬƐĂŶ͛ŦŶ ďĂƔĂƌŦƐŦĚŦƌ͘͟                   tribu ng to the produc on power of our country, especially the
                                                                 Turkish industry.”
       C       ile  uru  ol a an  al  a ilir  ir siste   e niteli li
        re                                                         ƐLJƐƚĞŵ ƚŚĂƚ ĐĂŶ ǁŽƌŬ ǁŝƚŚŽƵƚ ĚŽǁŶƟŵĞ ĂŶĚ ƋƵĂůŝĮĞĚ ƉƌŽ-
                                                                 ĚƵĐƟŽŶ ǁŝƚŚ  h   Ky
       ĂŵĂŶ  ǀĞ  ŵĂůŝLJĞƚ  ĂĕŦƐŦŶĚĂŶ  ĂǀĂŶƚĂũ  ƐĂŒůĂLJĂƌĂŬ  ŝƔůĞƚŵĞůĞƌŝŶ
       ƺƌĞƟŵ  ǀĞƌŝŵůŝůŝŒŝŶŝ  ĂƌƨƌĂŶ   h   Ky͕  ŵĂŬŝŶĞ  ďĞƐůĞŵĞƐŝŶĚĞ    UB B  , which increases the produc on e ciency of enter-
       ŽƉĞƌĂƚƂƌ ŝŚƟLJĂĐŦŶŦ ŵŝŶŝŵƵŵ ĚƺnjĞLJĞ ŝŶĚŝƌĞŶ͕ ĚƵƌƵƔ ŽůŵĂĚĂŶ   prises by providing advantages in terms of  me and cost, o ers
       ĕĂůŦƔĂďŝůŝƌ  ďŝƌ  ƐŝƐƚĞŵ  ƐƵŶƵLJŽƌ͘  ^ŝƐƚĞŵŝŶ  ĕĂůŦƔŵĂ  ƉƌĞŶƐŝďŝLJůĞ   a system that can work without down me, minimizing the need
       ƂnjĞůůŝŬůĞ ŐĞĐĞ ǀĂƌĚŝLJĂůĂƌŦŶĚĂ LJƺnjĚĞ ϱϬ ǀĞƌŝŵ ĂůŦŶĂďŝůŝLJŽƌ͘  ƵͲ  for operators in machine feeding. With the working principle of
       ƵLJƵŵ ŐƂƐƚĞƌĞŶ  h   Ky͕ ĮƌŵĂLJĂ ƂnjĞů ƌŽďŽƚ ƐŝƐƚĞŵůĞƌŝŶĚĞŶ   the system, 50 percent e ciency can be obtained, especially in
       LJƺnjĚĞ ϮϬ ĚĂŚĂ ƵĐƵnj ŽůƵƉ ƐĂĚĞĐĞ ďŝƌ ŐƺŶĚĞ ĚĞǀƌĞLJĞ ĂůŦŶŦLJŽƌ͘   night shi s. In addi on,  UB B  , which is compa ble with all
        LJƌŦĐĂ ďƵ ƐŝƐƚĞŵ ŝůĞ ƌŽďŽƚ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵůĂŵĂ ďŝůŐŝƐŝŶĞ ŝŚƟLJĂĕ ĚƵͲ   N  machines thanks to its standard structure, is 20 percent
       LJƵůŵĂĚĂŶ ƉĂƌĕĂ ĚĞŒŝƔŝŵŝ LJĂƉŦůĂďŝůŝLJŽƌ͘ ,Ğƌ ƚƺƌ ŬŽŶƚƌŽů ƺŶŝƚĞƐŝ   cheaper than company-speci c robot systems and is commis-
       ǀĞ ƌŽďŽƚ ŵĂƌŬĂƐŦŶĂ ƵLJƵŵůƵ ŽůĂŶ ƐŝƐƚĞŵŝŶ ĞƐŶĞŬ LJĂƉŦƐŦ͕ ĨĂďƌŝŬĂ   sioned in just one day. In addi on, with this system, parts can
       ŝĕĞƌŝƐŝŶĚĞ ŵĂŬŝŶĞĚĞŶ ŵĂŬŝŶĞLJĞ ŬŽůĂLJĐĂ ƚĂƔŦŶĂďŝůŵĞƐŝŶĞ ķƌƐĂƚ   be changed without the need for robot programming knowl-
       ƚĂŶŦLJŽƌ͘ WĂůĞƚ ĚĞŒŝƔƟƌŵĞ ƂnjĞůůŝŒŝŶĞ ĚĞ ƐĂŚŝƉ ŽůĂŶ ďƵ ƐŝƐƚĞŵ͕   edge. The  exible structure of the system, which is compa ble
       ƌŽďŽƚ ŵĂŬŝŶĞ ŝůĞ ďŝƌůŝŬƚĞ ĕĂůŦƔŦƌŬĞŶ ŽƉĞƌĂƚƂƌĚĞ ŵĂŐĂnjŝŶŝ ĚŽůͲ  with all kinds of control units and robot brands, allows it to
       ĚƵƌƵƉ ďŽƔĂůƚĂďŝůŝLJŽƌ͘                                     be easily moved from machine to machine within the factory.
                                                                 This system, which also has the pallet changing feature, can  ll
                                                                 and empty the magazine while the robot is working with the

        2                         LJůƺů Ͳ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ
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