Page 40 - Organize Dergi Eylül 2023
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Ha er - News                                                                ,ĂďĞƌ DĞƌŬĞnjŝ Ͳ News  enter

        Te nisyen say s n  y   e                                                           /ŶĐƌĞĂƐĞĚ ƚŚĞ ŶƵŵďĞƌ ŽĨ ƚ
         0 ar r                                                                            ĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶƐ ďLJ ϯϬ ƉĞƌĐĞŶƚ

         ƚůĂƐ   ŽƉĐŽ  <ŽŵƉƌĞƐƂƌ  dĞŬͲ                                                      The technical service o ered by
                                                                                           Atlas   opco   ompressor  Tech-
        ŶŝŒŝ͛ŶŝŶ  ƐƵŶĚƵŒƵ  ƚĞŬŶŝŬ  ƐĞƌǀŝƐ
                                                                                           nique creates a high level of cus-
        ŚŝnjŵĞƟ͕ LJĂůŶŦnjĐĂ ƵnjŵĂŶ ĞŬŝƉůĞƌ
                                                                                           tomer sa sfac on not only with
        ĚĞŒŝů͕  ĂƌĂĕ  ŐĞƌĞĕ  ǀĞ  LJĂŶ  ĞŬŝƉͲ
                                                                                           its  expert  teams,  but  also  with
        ŵĂŶůĂƌ ĂĕŦƐŦŶĚĂŶ ĚĂ ƺƐƚƺŶ ĚŽͲ                                                      its  superior  equipment  in  ter-
        ŶĂŶŦŵŦLJůĂ  LJƺŬƐĞŬ  ďŝƌ  ŵƺƔƚĞƌŝ                                                    ms of tools and auxiliary equip-
        ŵĞŵŶƵŶŝLJĞƟ  LJĂƌĂƨLJŽƌ͘  dĞŬŶŝŬ                                                      ment. Sta ng that they started
        ƐĞƌǀŝƐ ŚŝnjŵĞƟŶĚĞ ϳϳ ƚĞŬŶŝƐLJĞŶ                                                      out with 77 technicians in tech-
        ŝůĞ LJŽůĂ ĕŦŬƨŬůĂƌŦŶŦ͕ LJƺnjĚĞ ϯϬ ĂƌͲ                                                 nical service and con nued with
        ƨƔůĂ ϭϬϬ ƚĞŬŶŝƐLJĞŶůĞ ĚĞǀĂŵ ĞƚͲ                                                     100 technicians with an increase
        ƟŬůĞƌŝŶŝ  ďĞůŝƌƚĞŶ   LJŚĂŶ   ĂŚĕĞͲ                                                  of 30 percent, Ayhan Bahçetepe
                                                                                           said,  “This  year,  we  expanded
        ƚĞƉĞ͕ ͞ Ƶ LJŦů ŽƉĞƌĂƐLJŽŶƵŵƵnjƵŶ
                                                                                           the scope of our opera on and
        ŬĂƉƐĂŵŦŶŦ ǀĞ ƵnjŵĂŶ ŬĂĚƌŽŵƵͲ
                                                                                           our expert sta . We approached
        njƵ  ŐĞŶŝƔůĞƫŬ͘  KĮƐ  ĕĂůŦƔĂŶůĂƌŦͲ                                                  approximately  115  people  with
        ŵŦnj ǀĞ ƚĂŬŦŵ ůŝĚĞƌůĞƌŝ ŝůĞ LJĂŬůĂƔŦŬ                                                our  o ce  sta   and  team  lea-
        ϭϭϱ ŬŝƔŝLJĞ LJĂŬůĂƔƨŬ͘ dƺƌŬŝLJĞ ŐĞŶĞůŝŶĚĞ 7ƐƚĂŶďƵů͛ĚĂ  ǀƌƵƉĂ ǀĞ   ders. Throughout Turkey, we have workshops and teams in Is-
         ƐLJĂ LJĂŬĂůĂƌŦŶĚĂ͕  Ăƨ <ĂƌĂĚĞŶŝnj͕  ŶŬĂƌĂ͕  ƵƌƐĂ͕ 7njŵŝƌ͕  ĚĂŶĂ͕   tanbul, on the  uropean and Asian sides, in the Western Black
        'ĂnjŝĂŶƚĞƉ͛ƚĞ ĂƚƂůLJĞ ǀĞ ĞŬŝƉůĞƌŝŵŝnj ďƵůƵŶƵLJŽƌ͘  ĞŶŝnjůŝ͕ <ŽŶLJĂ͕   Sea, Ankara, Bursa, Izmir, Adana, Gaziantep. In  enizli, Konya,
         ƌnjƵƌƵŵ͕ ^ĂŵƐƵŶ͕  ůąnjŦŒ͕ <ĂLJƐĞƌŝ͛ĚĞ ŝƐĞ ŵŽďŝů ĕĂůŦƔĂŶ LJĂLJŐŦŶ    rzurum, Samsun,  laz   and Kayseri, we provide service with
        ďŝƌ ĞŬŝƉůĞ ŚŝnjŵĞƚ ǀĞƌŝLJŽƌƵnj͘ zŦů ƐŽŶƵŶĂ ŬĂĚĂƌ  ŝLJĂƌďĂŬŦƌ͛ĚĂ ĚĂ   a widespread mobile working team. We will also recruit mobile
                                                                  technicians in  iyarbak r by the end of the year.”
        ŵŽďŝů ƚĞŬŶŝƐLJĞŶ ĂůŦŵŦ ŐĞƌĕĞŬůĞƔƟƌĞĐĞŒŝnj͟ ĚĞĚŝ͘
                                                                  ͞tĞ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ ƉĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐ ƚŽ ŽƵƌ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ͛
            terileri i in sorunlar na  al c        sa l yoru

        'ĞŶŝƔ  ƐĞƌǀŝƐ  ĂŒŦŶĂ  ƐĂŚŝƉ  ŽůŵĂŶŦŶ  ŵƺƔƚĞƌŝ  ƚĂůĞƉůĞƌŝŶŝŶ  ŚŦnjůĂ    rawing  a en on  to  the  fact  that  having  a  wide  service
        ŬĂƌƔŦůĂŶŵĂƐŦ ĂĕŦƐŦŶĚĂŶ ďƺLJƺŬ ďŝƌ ĂǀĂŶƚĂũ LJĂƌĂƴŒŦŶĂ ĚŝŬŬĂƚ ĕĞͲ  network creates a great advantage in terms of rapidly mee ng
        ŬĞŶ   ĂŚĕĞƚĞƉĞ͕  ͞^ĂŚĂĚĂ  ŬŽŶƵŵůĂĚŦŒŦŵŦnj  ϭϬϬ  ƚĞŬŶŝƐLJĞŶŝŵŝnj   customer  demands,  Bahçetepe  said,  “We  provide  technical
        ŝůĞ  ŵƺƔƚĞƌŝůĞƌŝŵŝnjŝŶ  ĕĂŒƌŦůĂƌŦŶĂ  ϱ  ƐĂĂƚ  ŝĕŝŶĚĞ  ĚƂŶƺƔ  LJĂƉĂƌĂŬ   service by returning our customers’ calls within 5 hours with
        ƚĞŬŶŝŬ ƐĞƌǀŝƐ ŚŝnjŵĞƟ ƐĂŒůŦLJŽƌƵnj͘ 'ĞůĞŶ ŚĞƌ ĕĂŒƌŦLJĂ ŬŽƔƵůƐƵnj ĞŶ   our 100 technicians located in the  eld. We provide a perma-
        ŬŦƐĂ njĂŵĂŶĚĂ ƚĞƉŬŝ ǀĞƌĞƌĞŬ ŵƺƔƚĞƌŝůĞƌŝŵŝnjŝŶ ƐŽƌƵŶůĂƌŦŶĂ ŬĂůŦĐŦ   nent solu on to the problems of our customers by reac ng to
                                                                  every incoming call as soon as possible uncondi onally.”
        ĕƂnjƺŵ ƐĂŒůŦLJŽƌƵnj͟ ĚŝLJĞ ŬŽŶƵƔƚƵ͘
                                                                  ͞tĞ ĂĚŽƉƚ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞ ŽĨ ĐŽŶƟŶƵŽƵƐ ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ƚĞĂŵƐ͟
           ipleri i  e s re li e i   esas n   eni siyoru
                                                                  Atlas   opco   ompressor  Technique  Service   pera ons   a-
        dĞŬŶŝŬ  ƐĞƌǀŝƐ  ŚŝnjŵĞƟŶŝŶ  ŬĂƉƐĂŵŦŶŦŶ  ŐĞŶŝƔůĞŵĞƐŝLJůĞ  ďŝƌůŝŬƚĞ   nager  Bahçetepe,  who  stated  that  they  have  increased  the
        ŬĂƌŝLJĞƌ ŽĚĂŬůŦ ĞŒŝƟŵůĞƌŝ ƐŦŬůĂƔƨƌĚŦŬůĂƌŦŶŦ ŝĨĂĚĞ ĞĚĞŶ  ƚůĂƐ  ŽƉͲ  career-oriented trainings with the expansion of the scope of
        ĐŽ <ŽŵƉƌĞƐƂƌ dĞŬŶŝŒŝ ^ĞƌǀŝƐ KƉĞƌĂƐLJŽŶ DƺĚƺƌƺ  ĂŚĕĞƚĞƉĞ͕   the technical service service, con nued as follows: “With the
        ƐƂnjůĞƌŝŶŝ ƔƂLJůĞ ƐƺƌĚƺƌĚƺ͗ ͞KƉĞƌĂƐLJŽŶƵŵƵnjƵŶ ŐĞŶŝƔůĞŵĞƐŝLJůĞ   expansion of our opera on, our training has reached the top
        ďŝƌůŝŬƚĞ  ĞŒŝƟŵ  ƂŶĐĞůŝŬůĞƌŝŵŝnj  ĂƌĂƐŦŶĚĂ  ƺƐƚ  ƐŦƌĂůĂƌĂ  ƵůĂƔƨ͘   Ƶ   rank among our priori es. At this point, we adopt the principle
        ŶŽŬƚĂĚĂ  ĞŬŝƉůĞƌŝŵŝnjĚĞ  ƐƺƌĞŬůŝ  ĞŒŝƟŵ  ĞƐĂƐŦŶŦ  ďĞŶŝŵƐŝLJŽƌƵnj͘   of con nuous training in our teams. We o er orienta on and
                                                                  basic compressor training to our newly recruited employees.
         ƌĂŵŦnjĂ LJĞŶŝ ŬĂƨůĂŶ ĕĂůŦƔĂŶůĂƌŦŵŦnjĂ ŝůŬ ĞƚĂƉƚĂ ŽƌLJĂŶƚĂƐLJŽŶ ǀĞ
                                                                  In the following processes, we con nue with Atlas  opco glo-
        ƚĞŵĞů ŬŽŵƉƌĞƐƂƌ ĞŒŝƟŵŝ ƐƵŶƵLJŽƌƵnj͘ ^ŽŶƌĂŬŝ ƐƺƌĞĕůĞƌĚĞ  ƚůĂƐ
                                                                  bal trainings and apply exams consis ng of 3 stages. While we
         ŽƉĐŽ ŐůŽďĂů ĞŒŝƟŵůĞƌ ŝůĞ ĚĞǀĂŵ ĞĚĞƌĞŬ ϯ ĂƔĂŵĂĚĂŶ ŽůƵƔĂŶ   provide update trainings throughout the year in parallel with
        ƐŦŶĂǀůĂƌ ƵLJŐƵůƵLJŽƌƵnj͘ mƌƺŶůĞƌĚĞŬŝ ĚĞŒŝƔŝŵ ǀĞ ŐĞůŝƔŝŵĞ ƉĂƌĂͲ  the changes and developments in the products, we keep our
        ůĞů ŽůĂƌĂŬ LJŦů ŝĕŝŶĚĞ ŐƺŶĐĞůůĞŵĞ ĞŒŝƟŵůĞƌŝ ǀĞƌŝƌŬĞŶ͕ ƐƺƌĞĕůĞƌ ǀĞ   teams informed by closely following the processes and deve-
        ƐĂŚĂĚĂŬŝ ŐĞůŝƔŵĞůĞƌŝ LJĂŬŦŶĚĂŶ ƚĂŬŝƉ ĞĚĞƌĞŬ ĞŬŝƉůĞƌŝŵŝnjŝ ďŝůŐŝͲ  lopments in the  eld.”

         8                        LJůƺů Ͳ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ
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