Page 10 - Organize Dergi Eylül 2023
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Ha er - News                                                                ,ĂďĞƌ DĞƌŬĞnjŝ Ͳ News  enter

         a ine i raca    ay a       ilyar  olar

         achinery exports 16.1 billion dollars in 7 months

        DĂŬŝŶĞ  ŝŵĂůĂƚ  ƐĂŶĂLJŝ                                                                  According  to  the  machin-
        ŬŽŶƐŽůŝĚĞ ǀĞƌŝůĞƌŝŶĞ ŐƂƌĞ͕                                                              ery manufacturing industry
        LJŦůŦŶ  ϳ  ĂLJŦ  ƐŽŶƵŶĚĂ  dƺƌͲ                                                            consolidated data, Turkey’s
        ŬŝLJĞ͛ŶŝŶ  ƐĞƌďĞƐƚ  ďƂůŐĞůĞƌ                                                             total machinery exports, in-
        ĚąŚŝů  ƚŽƉůĂŵ  ŵĂŬŝŶĞ  ŝŚͲ                                                              cluding free zones, reached
        ƌĂĐĂƨ  ϭϲ͕ϭ  ŵŝůLJĂƌ  ĚŽůĂƌĂ                                                             16.1  billion  dollars  at  the
        ƵůĂƔƨ͘ DŝŬƚĂƌ ďĂnjŦŶĚĂ ŝŚͲ                                                               end of 7 months of the year.
        ƌĂĐĂƨŶ  LJƺnjĚĞ  ϱ͕ϴ  ŐĞƌŝůĞͲ                                                             In  this  period,  where  ex-
        ĚŝŒŝ  ďƵ  ĚƂŶĞŵĚĞ  ĚĞŒĞƌ                                                                ports decreased by 5.8 per-
        ďĂnjŦŶĚĂ  ĂƌƨƔ  LJƺnjĚĞ  ϭϭ͕ϭ                                                              cent on quan ty basis, the
        ŽůĚƵ͘  ZƵƐLJĂ͛LJĂ  ŝŚƌĂĐĂƨŶ                                                               increase on value basis was
                                                                                                11.1 percent. In this period,
        LJƺnjĚĞ  ϭϱϳ  ĂƌƚĂƌĂŬ  ϭ͕ϱ
                                                                                                when exports to Russia in-
        ŵŝůLJĂƌ  ĚŽůĂƌĂ  LJĂŬůĂƔƨŒŦ
                                                                                                creased  by  157  percent
        ďƵ ĚƂŶĞŵĚĞ͕  ůŵĂŶLJĂ͛LJĂ
                                                                                                and  approached  1.5  bil-
        ŝŚƌĂĐĂƚ  ĂƌƨƔŦ  LJƺnjĚĞ  ϭϭ͕ϲ͕
                                                                                                lion dollars, the increase in
           ͛LJĞ ŝŚƌĂĐĂƚ ĂƌƨƔŦ LJƺnjĚĞ ϭϱ͕Ϯ ŽůĚƵ͘ zƺnjĚĞ ϭϵ ĂƌƨƔůĂ Ϯ ŵŝůLJĂƌ
                                                                 exports to Germany was 11.6 percent, and exports to the USA
                                                                 increased by 15.2 percent. A er  uly exports, which reached 2
        ŝŚƌĂĐĂƨ LJƺnjĚĞ ϭϱ͕ϴ ĂƌƚĂƌĂŬ Ϯϳ͕ϱ ŵŝůLJĂƌ ĚŽůĂƌĂ LJƺŬƐĞůĚŝ͘ ,ĂnjŝͲ
                                                                 billion dollars with an increase of 19 percent, machinery exports
        ƌĂŶ ƐŽŶƵ ŝƟďĂƌŝLJůĞ LJŦůůŦŬ  ŵĂŬŝŶĞ ŝƚŚĂůĂƨ ŝƐĞ LJƺnjĚĞ ϮϬ͕ϲ ĂƌƨƔůĂ
                                                                 in the last 12 months increased by 15.8 percent and rose to 27.5
        ϰϮ͕ϯ ŵŝůLJĂƌ ĚŽůĂƌ ŽůĚƵ͘
                                                                 billion dollars. As of the end of  une, annual machinery imports
                                                                 increased by 20.6 percent to 42.3 billion dollars.
        <ƺƌĞƐĞů  ŵĂŬŝŶĞ  ƟĐĂƌĞƟŶĚĞŬŝ  ŐĞůŝƔŵĞůĞƌŝ  ĂŶĂůŝnj  ĞƫŬůĞƌŝŶĚĞ
                                                                 Kutlu Karavelio lu,  hairman of the  achinery  xporters’ Asso-
        ůĞ͕ ƂŶĐĞŬŝ LJŦůůĂƌĚĂŶ ĨĂƌŬůŦ ĞŒŝůŝŵůĞƌůĞ ŬĂƌƔŦůĂƔƨŬůĂƌŦŶŦ ďĞůŝƌƚĞŶ   cia on, stated that when they analyzed the developments in the
        DĂŬŝŶĞ 7ŚƌĂĐĂƚĕŦůĂƌŦ  ŝƌůŝŒŝ  ĂƔŬĂŶŦ <ƵƚůƵ <ĂƌĂǀĞůŝŽŒůƵ ĚƺŶLJĂͲ  global machinery trade, they encountered di erent trends from
        ĚĂŬŝ ŐĞůŝƔŵĞůĞƌŝ ƔƂLJůĞ LJŽƌƵŵůĂĚŦ͗                        the previous years due to the e ect of many factors, especially
                                                                 monetary  ghtening, and commented on the developments in
        ͞hnjƵŶ LJŦůůĂƌĚŦƌ LJĂŬŦŶ ŝƔďŝƌůŝŒŝ ŝĕŝŶĚĞ ĕĂůŦƔƨŒŦŵŦnj  ůŵĂŶ DĂŬŝͲ  the world as follows:
        ŶĞ ǀĞ  ŬŝƉŵĂŶ 7ŵĂůĂƚĕŦůĂƌŦ  ŝƌůŝŒŝ͛ŶŝŶ ;s D Ϳ ƌĂƉŽƌůĂƌŦ ŬƺƌĞͲ
        ƐĞů  ƐĞŬƚƂƌƺŶ  ƚĞŬŶŽůŽũŝŬ  ůŝĚĞƌŝ   ůŵĂŶLJĂ͛ĚĂ  ƚĞŚůŝŬĞ  ĕĂŶůĂƌŦŶŦŶ   “Reports of the German  achinery and  quipment  anufac-
        ĕĂůĚŦŒŦŶŦ͕ dĞŵŵƵnj ĂLJŦ ƐŝƉĂƌŝƔůĞƌŝŶĚĞŬŝ ŐĞƌŝůĞŵĞŶŝŶ LJƺnjĚĞ ϭϱ͛Ğ   turers Associa on     A , with whom we have been working
        ƵůĂƔƨŒŦŶŦ ƐƂLJůƺLJŽƌ͘  ƵŶƵŶ ĂŶůĂŵŦ ƔŝƌŬĞƚůĞƌŝŶ ƂůĕĞŬ ǀĞ ĐŝƌŽůĂƌŦͲ  closely for many years, say that in Germany, the technological
        ŶŦŶ  ŬƺĕƺůĞĐĞŬ  ŽůŵĂƐŦ͕  LJĞƟƔŵŝƔ  ŶŝƚĞůŝŬůŝ  ƉĞƌƐŽŶĞůĚĞ  ŝƐƟŚĚĂŵ   leader of the global sector, alarm bells are ringing, and the de-
        ŬĂLJďŦ ƌŝƐŬŝŶŝŶ ŽƌƚĂLJĂ ĕŦŬŵĂƐŦĚŦƌ͘  ƌƚŵĂLJŦ ƐƺƌĚƺƌĞĐĞŒŝ ďĞůůŝ ŽůĂŶ   cline in orders for  uly has reached 15 percent. This means that
        ĮŶĂŶƐŵĂŶ͕ ĞŶĞƌũŝ ǀĞ ŝƐƟŚĚĂŵ ŵĂůŝLJĞƚůĞƌŝŶŝŶ  ƺƌĞƟĐŝ ĞŶĚĞŬƐŝ   the scale and turnover of companies will decrease, and the risk
        ƺnjĞƌŝŶĚĞŬŝ ĞƚŬŝůĞƌŝŶŝŶ ƐĞŬƚƂƌƺŶ ƌĞŬĂďĞƚĕŝůŝŒŝŶŝ ƐŦŶŦƌůĂĚŦŒŦ͕ LJƺnjͲ  of employment loss in trained quali ed personnel will arise. It
        ĚĞ ϮϬ͛ůĞƌĞ ǀĂƌĂŶ ĮLJĂƚ ĂƌƨƔůĂƌŦŶŦŶ ĚĂ ŝĕ ǀĞ ĚŦƔ ƚĂůĞďŝŶ ĚĂƌĂůŵĂͲ  is understood that the e ects of  nancing, energy and employ-
        ƐŦŶĚĂ ĞƚŬŝůŝ ŽůĚƵŒƵ ĂŶůĂƔŦůŦLJŽƌ͘                         ment costs, which will con nue to increase, on the producer in-
                                                                 dex limit the compe  veness of the sector, and price increases of
                                                                 up to 20 percent are also e ec ve in the contrac on of domes c
                                                                 and foreign demand.

        8                         LJůƺů Ͳ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ
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