Page 48 - Organize Dergi Eylül 2023
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Ha er - News                                                                ,ĂďĞƌ DĞƌŬĞnjŝ Ͳ News  enter

        n i i  l e en                                                                             ^ƚĂƌƚƵƉƐ  ĨƌŽŵ  ƚǁĞůǀĞ
       giri i ler ge i e                                                                          ĐŽƵŶƚƌŝĞƐ ŽŶ ďŽĂƌĚ

        /d DĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌŝŶŐ  ĂƌͲ                                                                     The  joint  stand  of   IT
       ŵƐƚĂĚƚ͛ŦŶ  ŽƌƚĂŬ  ƐƚĂŶĚŦ                                                                    anufacturing     ar-
       ƂnjĞů  ďŝƌ  ƔĞLJ  ƐƵŶƵLJŽƌ͘                                                                   mstadt  is  o ering  so-
       &ƵĂƌĚĂ  ŽŶ  ŝŬŝ  ƺůŬĞĚĞŶ                                                                   mething  special.  It  will
       ; ǀƵƐƚƵƌLJĂ͕   &ŝŶůĂŶĚŝͲ                                                                    feature   20   startups
       LJĂ͕  &ƌĂŶƐĂ͕   ůŵĂŶLJĂ͕                                                                     from  twelve  countries
       zƵŶĂŶŝƐƚĂŶ͕  7ƐƌĂŝů͕  7ƚĂůͲ                                                                - Austria, Finland, Fran-
       LJĂ͕  ^ůŽǀĂŬLJĂ͕  ^ůŽǀĞŶͲ                                                                    ce,  Ger many,  Greece,
       LJĂ͕  7ƐƉĂŶLJĂ͕  7ƐǀĞĕ  ǀĞ                                                                   Israel,  Italy,  Slovakia,
       dƺƌŬŝLJĞͿ  ϮϬ  ŐŝƌŝƔŝŵ  LJĞƌ                                                                 Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
       ĂůĂĐĂŬ͘   ƵŶůĂƌ͕  ƺƌƺŶ                                                                     and  Turkey.  These  will
       ǀĞ  ŚŝnjŵĞƚůĞƌŝŶŝ   DK                                                                      be presen ng their pro-
       ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ͛ĚĞ 7ŶŽǀĂƐLJŽŶ  ŒŦ͛ŶŦŶ ŽƌƚĂŬ ĕĂƨƐŦ ĂůƨŶĚĂ ƐƵŶĂĐĂŬ͘   ducts and services under the joint umbrella of the Innova on
       ͞bŝƌŬĞƚůĞƌ͕  /d DĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌŝŶŐ͛ŝŶ ŐĞůŝƔƟƌŵĞŬƚĞ ŽůĚƵŒƵ ŝŶŽǀĂƐͲ  Network at     Hannover. “ ompanies are an important part
       LJŽŶ ĂŒŦŶŦŶ ƂŶĞŵůŝ ďŝƌ ƉĂƌĕĂƐŦ͘ bƵ ĂŶĚĂ LJĂŬůĂƔŦŬ ϴϬ LJĞŶŝ ŐŝƌŝƔŝŵŝ   of the innova on network that  IT  anufacturing is develo-
       ĚĞƐƚĞŬůŝLJŽƌƵnj͕ ϭϱϬ͛ĚĞŶ ĨĂnjůĂ ƔŝƌŬĞƚůĞ ĚƺnjĞŶůŝ ŝůĞƟƔŝŵ ŚĂůŝŶĚĞLJŝnj   ping. We are currently suppor ng around 80 startups, are in
       ǀĞ ĂŒŦŵŦnjŦ ƐƺƌĞŬůŝ ŐĞŶŝƔůĞƟLJŽƌƵnj͟ ĚŝLJŽƌ  /d mƌĞƟŵ DĞƌŬĞnjŝ  ŝͲ  regular contact with more than 150 other companies and are
       ƌĞŬƚƂƌƺ  ƌ͘  ŚƌŝƐƟĂŶ  ƂůůŝŶŐ͘ <ƵƌƵůƵƔ͕ ƉĂnjĂƌůĂŶĂďŝůŝƌ ƺƌƺŶůĞƌĞ   constantly expanding our network,” says  r.  hris an B lling,
       ŬĂĚĂƌ ƉƌŽƚŽƟƉůĞƌŝŶ ŐĞůŝƔƟƌŝůŵĞƐŝŶŝ ƚĞƔǀŝŬ ĞĚŝLJŽƌ͕ njŽƌůƵŬůĂƌŦ LJĞͲ   irector of  IT  anufacturing  entral. The organiza on fos -
       ŶŝůŝŬĕŝ LJŽůůĂƌůĂ ĕƂnjŵĞŬ ŝĕŝŶ LJĞŶŝ ŬƵƌƵůĂŶ ƔŝƌŬĞƚůĞƌŝ ǀĞ ĞŶĚƺƐƚƌŝLJŝ   ters the development of prototypes through to marketable pro-
       ďŝƌ ĂƌĂLJĂ ŐĞƟƌŝLJŽƌ ǀĞ ƔŝƌŬĞƚůĞƌŝ ĚĂŚĂ ƌĞŬĂďĞƚĕŝ ŚĂůĞ ŐĞƟƌŵĞŬ
                                                                 ducts, brings startups and industry together to solve challenges
       ŝĕŝŶ ĞŶĚƺƐƚƌŝĚĞŬŝ ĕĂůŦƔĂŶůĂƌĂ ĞŒŝƟŵ ǀĞ ƂŒƌĞƟŵ ƐĂŒůŦLJŽƌ͘
                                                                 in innova ve ways, and pro vides educa on and training for
                                                                 workers in industry to make the companies more compe  ve.
       ϰ  LJůƺů͛ĚĞŶ ŝƟďĂƌĞŶ  DK ,ĂŶŶŽǀĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ͛ƚĞ  DKƐƉĂƌŬ Ͳ ^ƚĂƌƚͲ
       ƵƉ zĞŶŝůŝŒŝŶŝ  ƚĞƔůĞŵĞ ďĂƔůŦŒŦ ĂůƨŶĚĂ >ŝŶŬĞĚ/Ŷ͕ /ŶƐƚĂŐƌĂŵͬ&ĂͲ
                                                                 From September 4, a big social media challenge will also start
       ĐĞŬ ǀĞ dǁŝƩĞƌ͛ĚĂ ĚĂ ďƺLJƺŬ ďŝƌ ƐŽƐLJĂů ŵĞĚLJĂ ŵƺĐĂĚĞůĞƐŝ
                                                                 on  inkedIn, In- stagram/Facebook and Twi er under the  t-
       ďĂƔůĂLJĂĐĂŬ͘  ŵĂĕ͕ ƔŝƌŬĞƚůĞƌŝ ƚĂŶŦƚŵĂŬ ǀĞ ĚĞƐƚĞŬůĞŵĞŬ͘ ƉŽƚĂŶͲ
                                                                 le    spark - Igni ng Start-up In nova on at     Hannover
       ƐŝLJĞů ŵƺƔƚĞƌŝůĞƌ LJĂƌĂƚŵĂĚĂ͘ bŝƌŬĞƚůĞƌŝŶ͕ η DKƐƉĂƌŬϮϬϮϯ ĞƟͲ
                                                                 2023. The aim is to make the companies known and support
                                                                 them in genera ng leads.  ompanies are encouraged to post
                                                                 short teaser videos or posts about their products/technologies
       ĞĚŝůŝLJŽƌ͘  'ƂƐƚĞƌŝ  ƐŦƌĂƐŦŶĚĂ  ƐƚĂŶƚůĂƌĚĂŶ  ĨŽƚŽŒƌĂĨ  ǀĞ  ǀŝĚĞŽůĂƌůĂ
                                                                 before the show using     spark2023.  uring the show, they
       ŐƺŶůƺŬ  ĐĂŶůŦ  ŐƺŶĐĞůůĞŵĞůĞƌ  ƚĂŵĂŵůĂŶĂĐĂŬ͘  sĞ  ƐŽŶ  ŽůĂƌĂŬ͕
                                                                 will be complemented by daily live updates from the booths
                                                                 with photos and videos. And  nally, a er the show, each star-
       ůĂ ŝůŐŝůŝ ƂŶĞŵůŝ ŶŽŬƚĂůĂƌŦ ŝĕĞƌĞŶ ŬŦƐĂ ďŝƌ ŐƂŶĚĞƌŝ LJĂLJŦŶůĂŵĂůĂͲ
                                                                 tup is again asked to publish a short post with highlights of
       ƌŦ ǀĞ ƂŒƌĞŶĚŝŬůĞƌŝŶŝ ƉĂLJůĂƔŵĂůĂƌŦ ŝƐƚĞŶŝLJŽƌ͘ ͞η DKƐƉĂƌŬϮϬϮϯ
                                                                 their par cipa on at the show and share what they learned.
                                                                 “By using the hashtag     spark2023, all posts can be easily
       ƉĂLJůĂƔŦůŵĂƐŦ  ŬĂŵƉĂŶLJĂŶŦŶ  ŐƂƌƺŶƺƌůƺŒƺŶƺ  ĂƌƨƌŦLJŽƌ͘  'ƂƐƚĞƌŝ
                                                                 found and shared which is increasing the visibility of the cam-
       ƂŶĐĞƐŝ ƚĂŶŦƨŵ ŝĕĞƌŝŒŝ͕ ŐƂƐƚĞƌŝ ƐŦƌĂƐŦŶĚĂŬŝ ĐĂŶůŦ ŐƺŶĐĞůůĞŵĞůĞƌ
                                                                 paign. The combina on of pre-show teaser content, live upda-
       ǀĞ ŐƂƐƚĞƌŝ ƐŽŶƌĂƐŦ ƂnjĞƚůĞƌŝŶ ďŝƌůĞƔŝŵŝ͕ ŚĞĚĞĨ ŬŝƚůĞŶŝŶ ŝůŐŝƐŝŶŝ ĕĞͲ
                                                                 tes during the show and post-show summaries will capture the
       ŬĞĐĞŬ ǀĞ ŬĂůŦĐŦ ďŝƌ ĞƚŬŝ LJĂƌĂƚĂĐĂŬ͕͟ ĚŝLJĞ ďŝƟƌŝLJŽƌ s t ŬĂŵƉĂŶͲ
                                                                 interest of the target audience and create a las ng impact,”
       LJĂ ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚƂƌƺ dĂŶũĂ >ĞĞ͘
                                                                 concludes Tanja  ee, campaign organizer at   W.
                                  LJůƺů Ͳ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ
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