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         ollabora on from ar  cial intelligence and cobots

         ƺŶLJĂŶŦŶ ďŝƌ ŶƵŵĂƌĂůŦ ŬŽůĂďŽƌĂƟĨ ƌŽďŽƚ ƺƌĞƟĐŝƐŝ hŶŝǀĞƌƐĂů ZŽͲ  Anders Billesø Beck,  ice President of Strategy and Innova on
        ďŽƚƐ͛ƵŶ ^ƚƌĂƚĞũŝ ǀĞ 7ŶŽǀĂƐLJŽŶ  ĂƔŬĂŶ zĂƌĚŦŵĐŦƐŦ  ŶĚĞƌƐ  ŝůůĞƐƆ   at Universal Robots, the world’s number one collabora ve ro-
         ĞĐŬ͕ LJĂƉĂLJ njĞŬąŶŦŶ ; ůͿ ŐƺŶƺŵƺnjĚĞ ĞŶĚƺƐƚƌŝLJĞů ŽƚŽŵĂƐLJŽŶƵ   bot manufacturer, evaluated how ar  cial intelligence  AI  af-
        ŶĂƐŦů  ĞƚŬŝůĞĚŝŒŝŶŝ  ĚĞŒĞƌůĞŶĚŝƌĚŝ͘  zĂƉĂLJ  njĞŬąŶŦŶ  ƐĞŬƚƂƌƺ  ĚƂƌƚ   fects industrial automa on today. Poin ng out that ar  cial
        ĂůĂŶĚĂ ƔĞŬŝůůĞŶĚŝƌĚŝŒŝŶĞ ĚŝŬŬĂƟ ĕĞŬĞŶ  ŶĚĞƌƐ  ŝůůĞƐƆ  ĞĐŬ͕ ĞƐͲ  intelligence shapes the industry in four areas, Anders Billesø
        ŶĞŬůŝŬ ƐĞǀŝLJĞƐŝŶŝŶ ĚĂŚĂ ĚĂ ĂƌƴŒŦŶŦ ŝĨĂĚĞ Ğƫ͘             Beck stated that the level of  exibility has increased even more.

        hŶŝǀĞƌƐĂů ZŽďŽƚƐ͛ƵŶ ^ƚƌĂƚĞũŝ ǀĞ 7ŶŽǀĂƐLJŽŶ  ĂƔŬĂŶ zĂƌĚŦŵĐŦƐŦ   Anders Billesø Beck,  ice President of Strategy and Innova on
         ŶĚĞƌƐ   ŝůůĞƐƆ   ĞĐŬ͕  LJĂƉĂLJ  njĞŬąŶŦŶ  ŐƺŶƺŵƺnjĚĞ  ĞŶĚƺƐƚƌŝLJĞů   at  Universal  Robots,  highlighted  how  ar  cial  intelligence  is
        ŽƚŽŵĂƐLJŽŶƵ ŶĂƐŦů ĞƚŬŝůĞĚŝŒŝŶŝ ǀĞ ĕĞƔŝƚůŝ ŐƂƌĞǀůĞƌŝ ŽƚŽŵĂƟŬůĞƔͲ  impac ng industrial automa on today, making it easier than
        ƟƌŵĞLJŝ  ŚĞƌ njĂŵĂŶŬŝŶĚĞŶ  ĚĂŚĂ  ŬŽůĂLJ ŚĂůĞ  ŐĞƟƌĚŝŒŝŶŝ  ǀƵƌŐƵͲ  ever to automate various tasks. Poin ng to four areas of how it
        ůĂĚŦ͘ dƺŵ ĚƺŶLJĂĚĂŬŝ ƺƌĞƟĐŝůĞƌĞ ŶĂƐŦů ĨĂLJĚĂ ƐĂŒůĂLJĂďŝůĞĐĞŒŝŶĞ   can bene t manufacturers around the world, Beck highlighted
        LJƂŶĞůŝŬ ĚƂƌƚ ĂůĂŶŦ ŝƔĂƌĞƚ ĞĚĞŶ  ĞĐŬ͕ LJĂƉĂLJ njĞŬą ǀĞ ĐŽďŽƚ͛ůĂƌ   the advantages of this new collabora on between ar  cial in-
        ĂƌĂƐŦŶĚĂŬŝ  ďƵ  LJĞŶŝ  ŝƔ  ďŝƌůŝŒŝŶŝŶ  ĂǀĂŶƚĂũůĂƌŦŶĂ  ĚĞŒŝŶĚŝ͘  7ƔŐƺĐƺ   telligence and cobots. No ng that there have been signi cant
        ƐŦŬŦŶƨƐŦ͕ ĕĂůŦƔĂŶůĂƌŦŶ ƌĞĨĂŚŦŶŦŶ ŝLJŝůĞƔƟƌŝůŵĞƐŝ͕ ŬĂůŝƚĞ ǀĞLJĂ ƺƌĞƚͲ  developments in terms of labor shortage, improving the wel-
        ŬĞŶůŝŒŝŶ ĂƌƨƌŦůŵĂƐŦ ŶŽŬƚĂƐŦŶĚĂ ƂŶĞŵůŝ ŐĞůŝƔŵĞůĞƌ LJĂƔĂŶĚŦŒŦŶŦ   fare of employees, increasing quality or produc vity  He stated
        ŬĂLJĚĞĚĞƌĞŬ͖ ŝƔ njŽƌůƵŬůĂƌŦŶŦŶ ƺƐƚĞƐŝŶĚĞŶ ŐĞůŵĞŬ ŝĕŝŶ ĐŽďŽƚ ŽƚŽͲ  that manufacturers who have resorted to cobot automa on
        ŵĂƐLJŽŶƵŶĂ  ďĂƔǀƵƌĂŶ  ƺƌĞƟĐŝůĞƌŝŶ  ĂƌƨŬ  ƐŽŶ  ĚĞƌĞĐĞ  ŬĂƌŵĂƔŦŬ   to overcome their business challenges are now able to solve
        ŐƂƌĞǀůĞƌŝ ĕƂnjĞďŝůĚŝŒŝŶŝ ŝĨĂĚĞ Ğƫ͘                        extremely complex tasks.

        8                         LJůƺů Ͳ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϮϯ
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