The Tube Eurasia and Wire Eurasia Fairs, which will be held for the third time at the Istanbul Tüyap Fair and Congress Center between April 9-12, 2025, will provide significant commercial contributions to the sector thanks to the cooperation between Turkey’s leading fair organization company Tüyap Fair Organization Group and Germany’s leading fair organization company Messe Düsseldorf.
The global cooperation established for Wire Eurasia and Tube Eurasia Fairs, which provide significant input for our country’s locomotive sectors and exhibit thousands of products under the scope of iron, steel, pipe, profile, cable and wire, will provide significant contributions to the sector’s commercial goals.
The fairs, which were first launched in 2019 considering the needs of the sector and became an important platform that meets the expectations of the sector by increasing its international power with the cooperation of Messe Düsseldorf in 2023, will continue to strengthen in 2025 with the cooperation of Tüyap Fair Organization Group and Messe Düsseldorf.
The synergy of Tüyap Fairs Group and Messe Düsseldorf
The fairs, which were held as Tube&Steel Istanbul Fair and WireTech Istanbul Fair in 2019 and 2023, will be organized with their new identities as Tube Eurasia Fair and Wire Eurasia Fair in 2025. The fairs, which brought together 320 participating companies with more than 10 thousand buyers in their 2nd year, are aimed to become a larger sales and marketing platform in 2025 and to connect nearly 400 companies with more than 15 thousand sector professionals.
Tube Eurasia 3rd Pipe, Profile, Wire, Steel Production and Technologies Specialization Fair and Wire Eurasia 3rd Wire Production and Technologies Specialization Fair, which will be held between 9-12 April 2025, will bring together all stakeholders of the metal sector under one roof with its wide fair scope.
Thanks to the synergy created by the collaboration of two major fair companies, Tube Eurasia and Wire Eurasia fairs are expected to host sector professionals from all over the world, especially from Turkey and European countries.

Among the business partners of Tube Eurasia, which will be held simultaneously, are the Steel Pipe Manufacturers Association (ÇEBİD), while its supporters include important institutions such as the Steel Exporters Association (ÇİB), Turkish Steel Producers Association (TÇÜD), Steel Foreign Trade Association, Material Testing and Innovation Laboratories Inc. (MATİL), Stainless Industrialists and Businessmen Association (PASİD), Cold Rolled Galvanized and Painted Sheet Manufacturers Association (SOGAD), SteelOrbis and Flat Steel Exporters and Industrialists Association (YİSAD).
Sharing their views on the fairs, Tüyap Fuarlar Yapım A.Ş. General Manager İlhan Ersözlü emphasized the importance of these sectors for our country and said: “As Tüyap Fair Organization Group, we aim to obtain the highest value from our country’s potential in the pipe, profile, steel, wire and cable sectors thanks to this cooperation where we combine our 45 years of experience in fairs with the power of Messe Düsseldorf in Europe. Tube Eurasia and Wire Eurasia have great potential. Because Turkey is both strong in these sectors and an ideal meeting point between the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa. While global players and medium-sized companies will have the opportunity to introduce themselves in the Turkish market, our local companies will also have the opportunity to expand abroad. Tube Eurasia Fair and Wire Eurasia Fair will host hundreds of international participating companies, create new business connections and export opportunities, and will make a significant contribution to Turkey’s economic growth. The interest and enthusiasm we saw in the previous period is proof that we made the right cooperation. Our aim is to increase this interest and enthusiasm and make these fairs the biggest address for all innovations and developments in the sector in Turkey and Eurasia. In this sense, we are extremely pleased with our cooperation with Messe Düsseldorf and we hope that this cooperation will continue in different sector projects in the coming period. In addition, we would like to thank all sector stakeholders who joined our supporters this year, along with our main collaborator ÇEBİD, for their support in making our fairs stronger.”
Sharing his views on the Tüyap Fairs Group and Messe Düsselforf cooperation, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Managing Director Bernd Jablonowski said: “Following the cooperation decision we made last year to combine Tüyap Fairs Group’s experience and expertise in fairs with Messe Düsseldorf’s power in the European market, we realized a very successful premiere at Tube Eurasia and Wire Eurasia fairs. We aim to take this success one step further in 2025. We have great confidence in Turkey and its potential, especially in the construction and energy sectors. We are extremely pleased to join forces with an expert partner like Tüyap Fairs Group in order to make the best use of this potential.”