DemirDöküm, one of the leading brands in the air conditioning industry, came together with its wholesaler business partners in Istanbul, after its contracting authorized dealers. 26 business partners attended the event held at Radisson Blu Hotel. At the meeting, developments in the sector and plans for 2024 were evaluated.
DemirDöküm, which continues its sustainable growth with new products such as heat pump, KASKAD and room thermostat, as well as traditional products such as combi boilers, water heaters, water heaters and panel radiators, has added a new one to its business partner meetings. Following the Contractor Authorized Dealer meeting, the company met with its wholesale business partners in Istanbul. DemirDöküm’s 26 business partners in Istanbul, Adana, Ankara, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bilecik, Bursa, Denizli, Gaziantep, İzmir, Konya, Malatya, Mersin and Sakarya attended the event held at Radisson Blu Hotel. While managers from different departments of DemirDöküm attended the meeting, developments in the sector were evaluated and 2024 targets were discussed during the all-day event.
DemirDöküm CEO Alper Avdel, in his speech at the meeting, stated that DemirDöküm, which operates in nearly 40 countries, continues its stable growth and distinguishes itself positively in the sector. Avdel stated that the targets set were successfully completed despite the global turmoil and said, “With the trust shown by our employees, business partners and consumers to our products, we increased our turnover by 11 percent in euro terms compared to the previous year. We continued our leadership in the combi boiler category and increased our heat pump sales by 1.7 times.”
Touching on their 2024 targets, Avdel noted that DemirDöküm will continue to invest in new generation technologies and will raise the bar of competition in the sector to a different area with the projects implemented in the field of digital transformation. Avdel said, “We will always continue to stand by our users with our industry-leading products, services and campaigns. We have determined this year as the year of change, renewal and breakthrough. We have made strict preparations for 2024. We want to sustain our successes in the fields in which we are pioneers, to break new records and to achieve success in the fields we have just entered. “We are determined to take bold steps to achieve the success we target in these areas,” he said.