We received information about their companies from Cengiz Zere, the owner of Zere Machine Chip Conveyor Systems.
Cengiz Zere stated that they continue their work on conveyor systems in the path opened by their uncles Yakup Zere with their own companies and recorded the following about their companies:
“Zere Machine was established to operate in the field of chip conveyors and other conveyor systems as a result of our experience of more than 20 years. The company provides solutions for service, repair, maintenance, assembly, and sales to its customers with its experience and expertise in the sector.
It serves different types of conveyors such as chip conveyors, magnetic chip conveyors, bottom scraping chip conveyors, chip loading elevators, paper-filtered and magnetic unit separators, drum-filtered chip conveyors, and centrifuge (chip drying).
Our company, prioritizing customer satisfaction, has become a respected position in the sector and continues its investments to maintain its strong position.

The services provided by Zere Machine include:
- Service and Maintenance: Regular maintenance and service of conveyor systems.
- Assembly and Installation: Assembly and installation of new conveyor systems.
- Spare Parts Supply: Supply of conveyor chains, motors, helical springs, and other spare parts.
- Sales Solutions: Offering suitable and effective solutions for new conveyor systems.
- Expert Consultancy: Consultancy services related to conveyor systems are included.
What can you say about the mark left by Yakup Zere in the sector?
My uncle Yakup Zere brought chip discharge systems to our country and became a brand name in this regard over time. As the second generation, we continue our efforts to convey his knowledge, experience, and expertise to our industrialists. We are trying to be worthy of the ZERE surname that has become a brand in the sector.
Can we get information about your export activities?
Lately, we have been receiving significant demands from Eastern European countries and continue our export activities uninterruptedly. I would like to express our thanks once again to all domestic and foreign customers who trust us through you.
You have recent participation in fairs in Izmir and Konya. Can we get your evaluations on your activities at domestic fairs in recent times?
We were very pleased to receive much more attention than we expected at the Izmir Imatech Fair. Izmir is an industrial region where our customer portfolio is strong and intense. I want to express that we had a fair that strengthened our power in this region.
We also aim to encounter intense interest at the Konya Machinery Technologies Fair, of which we are a participant.