IMATECH - Industrial Production Technologies Fair hosted domestic and foreign exhibitors and visitors for four days, it became the meeting point of technology by bringing together all the actors in the machinery and production sectors under one roof in Izmir.
Hosted by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, IMATECH - Industrial Production Technologies Fair, which was held in Fuarizmir between 15-18 March 2023, with the cooperation of İZFAŞ and İzgi Fair Organization, with the support of 4M Fair Organization, brings together the leading companies in the production of machinery and parts, and provides all the industrial systems needed for the factories of the future. granted access. At the fair, where companies from Germany, the United States, Australia, Belgium, China, Canada, Poland and Taiwan also participated, 114 local and foreign participants, including representatives, met with more than 200 brands of these companies with professional visitors. A total of 11,879 local and foreign people visited the fair from 62 provinces of Turkey, mainly from the Aegean and Marmara regions, and from countries all over the world such as Germany, China, France, Russia, India and the Netherlands.
At the fair; All industrial systems needed for the factories of the future from many different fields, from CNC, sheet metal processing and automation technologies to power transmission systems, from welding - cutting technologies to production facility logistics, were presented together. A large number of machines were also sold at the fair, where commercial agreements were signed through bilateral meetings. Representatives of the participating companies and sector representatives evaluated the fair, which was held for the first time this year.
Mehmet Sarı, Chairman of the Board of Denizli Machinery Industrialists and Business People Association:
“Many companies from our city are participating in the fair as participants. We are establishing a factory for the construction of steel construction buildings in Denizli. We wanted to see and discover the CNC benches of the factory and the machines in the fair.
We also bought a laser cutting machine at the fair. We came here both because this fair is in the Aegean and with our good experiences from fairs like the previous Marble Fair. We had the opportunity to see companies and members coming from our city here.”
Faruk Oral, General Manager of Anadolu Makina:
“I have been in the industry for 55 years. With this fair, we had the opportunity to meet with sector representatives and exchange information. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the fair. Fair organization is very important for every sector. Our friends from every machine segment benefit from the fairs. We also made many sales at the fair to our customers from the cities in the region. We will be at this fair in the coming years, and I recommend all my industrialist friends to attend the fair.
Ermaksan Overseas Sales Manager Serhan Şenyurt:
“We are a 60-year-old company, exporting to more than 110 countries. We have an R&D center and we are working to reduce foreign dependency. IMATECH is a well organized and well organized fair for the Aegean Region. We received a lot of visitors, especially from the country. We think that it will be even better with foreign visitors in the coming years and we will be here next year.”
Erdi Kaya, Domestic Sales Manager of TFON Makine:
“We are a company that produces machines that are not produced in Turkey. We achieved what we expected in four days at the fair in the first two days. We manufacture deburring, edge rounding, straightening and stress relief machines. Our potential in İzmir is also very high and we plan to increase it even more. We are very satisfied with IMATECH and the organization. We plan to participate next year as well.”
Carl Gao, Sales Manager of Shenzhen JPT Opto-Electronics:
“We are a Chinese company. This is my first time in Izmir and Izmir is a beautiful city, people are very hospitable. The fairground is also very new and very modern. Although it is the first fair, we are pleased with the interest. Many customers came to our booth. The fair was very beneficial for us.
We hope next year will be much better”
Unilaser Representative Yasin Bubuş:
“Although it was the first fair, we saw a great deal of interest. We think it will be even better in the coming years. We had sales, we had very positive conversations. We have high expectations in this regard. Considering the reaction we received at this fair, we definitely plan to participate in the coming years.”
In addition to establishing new collaborations, IMATECH Fair aims to contribute to the sector’s reaching its annual trade targets, increasing its business volume, expanding exports and employment. With the potential revealed by the fair, it is aimed to grow the sector, to contribute to the urban economy in the long term and to enable new investment opportunities to emerge.